Saturday, July 27, 2024
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj July 6-12, 2024 Is the global polity brain dead? The collective West, led by Biden, had, according to Putin,  prodded Russia to invade Ukraine, by encouraging Ukraine to seek membership of NATO. If allowed, NATO missiles could be...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj June 30- July 5, 2024 The Democrats made a bad bet. It’s  backfiring The first Presidential debate between Joe Biden, Democrat, and Donald Trump, Republican, revealed to a worldwide TV audience just how lost and incoherent the former...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj JUNE 22-28, 2024 By Joe Biden (Move Over, Dale) Before 2021 USA had friends and allies like Saudi Arabia, Germany and other EU countries. It had energy security, because of fracking shale oil, which gave it geopolitical clout....
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj JUNE 15-21, 2024 Long term growth being ignored in pursuit of short term profits In the late 80s Japan and Germany were economies growing fast enough to threaten the dominance of USA. Both of them used ‘stakeholder capitalism’...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj June 8-14, 2024 Don’t political leaders ever learn from history? At the risk of losing half my readers, I’d aver that history, like a woman, repeats itself! Current, very dangerous, events, are a repeat of what transpired in 1962....
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Miulraj June 1-7, 2024 Challenges for Modi’s third term in a technologically disruptive world Vox populi, Vox dei is a Latin phrase meaning the voice of the people is the voice of the Gods. The people gave the ruling...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj May 25- June 1, 2024 Destroying valuations of great companies There are examples aplenty of great companies, which took years to build, being destroyed in a few weeks by poor management decisions, and excesses of shareholder capitalism. One of...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj May 11-17, 2024 Can inflation reduce if politicians don’t stop printing money? “I’m telling you, Jerome, the unrestrained printing of money doesn’t drive up inflation” Inflation in April, in UK was, at 3.2%, lower that US inflation, at 3.4%....
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj May 4-10, 2024 …Can spell disaster Investors today need to analyze an Irish stew of different factors affecting it. The world is grappling with various trends, like climate change, technological disruptions, de-dollarisation, and increasingly hostile trade and economic...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj April 27- May 3, 2024 India’s economic performance is standing out Avid British climber, George Mallory, when asked why he was trying, for the third time, to climb Mr. Everest, said ‘because it’s there’. In much the same vein,...