Thursday, April 25, 2024


News and Analysis for Energy sector

R N Bhaskar 31 August 2015 India has finally begun to make its mark in solar energy. Significantly, as was the case with Germany, solar power costs have been falling year-on-year.  It is worth recalling that it was Germany which catalysed this... A great deal of gas to harness Wednesday, 6 March 2013 - 8:33am IST | Place: Mumbai | Agency: dna R N Bhaskar India has an unbelievable advantage in methane generation. Not just from bullshit, as this column explained last week, but... Solar wobbles ahead R N Bhaskar First the good news. Cumulative solar installations in India crossed the 3 GW mark (100 Mega Watts or MW equals one GigaWatt). Figures compiled by the Mercom Capital Group show that almost 734 MW of...
Nothing like the sun India has finally begun to make its mark in solar energy (see chart). Significantly, as was the case with Germany, solar power costs have been falling year on year.  It is worth recalling that it was Germany( Praveer Sinha's plans to solarise India to end energy poverty with clean energy Jescilia Karayamparambil Renewable energy, especially solar and wind, is poised to grow due to the thrust the Indian government has given to clean energy. However, much before clean...
Sep 24, 2015 12:19 am Maharashtra is easily the largest consumer of electricity in India. According to estimates posted by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), it is expected to consume 149,773 million units (MU) during 2015-16, the next biggest...
R N Bhaskar It came in as a thunderclap. In mid-May, speaking at the Business and Climate Conference in Paris, Ali Al-Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, dropped a bombshell. He announced that fossil fuels wouldn’t be necessary in Saudi Arabia by... Solar & methane: The best days are yet to come June was a month which actually made many Indians realise the enormous opportunities that lie ahead.  Even in these politically turbulent times, India has the potential to trounce disbelievers, and...
Source: Solar and wind could be the new energy sources Over the past five years, all energy costs have been subject to two unanticipated headwinds. One was the discovery of shale oil which could be recovered quite easily at average...