Shilpai Kumari accomplish her GDA from ASDC.

Life seems hopeless for many who experience such life, but not all orphans are carried away by their miserable life.

Against all odd, Ms. Shilpai Kumari, a 20 years old currently waiting for her 12th Board exam results happen to accomplish her General Duty Assistance from Adani Skill Development Centre, Godda.

It was in September 2018 that she got enrolled in GDA She traveled 15 kms away alone by bus from her village to ASDC centre with the hope that she will get an employment opportunity one day after completion of GDA course. Since attendance matter a lot in order to complete the course, she does not want to miss her class. She woke up early in the morning, prepare food for her brother so that he did not miss to reach school on time. After that, she picked a bus to Godda from her village and maintained 85% attendance over a period of six months. Now she successfully completed her GDA course in the month of May 2019 and is prepared for Job at the moment.


“First of all, I want to thank ASDC for giving me an opportunity to shape my career in health care. I have learnt so much about GDA course like Patient care, Hair and nail care, Feeding process, Temperature test, BP check-up, Blood Sample collection etc. this boost my confidence that I have achieved life skills through the course. More than me, my brother is much happier as I will be able to go on job and earn for family. I am so excited to go out for Job and start earning. Being the lone bread earner, I know how difficult life is without any proper income source. Once I am on Job, I will be able to support my brother for his education. I need require no more financial support from my uncle. I will give my best efforts and put my 100% at my work place and make my uncle and brother proud again”.


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