Sunday, February 9, 2025 India is upbeat about its growing clout in the global steel industry. But steel producers are a worried lot. While their plans are big, getting money to finance them has not been easy. And it is not because banks do not... There’s a whirlwind of confusion within the Indian steel industry.  On the one hand, there is euphoria — demand for iron and steel continues to soar. And India knows that it, along with China, will decide the fate of global... Steel: China ups production; India ups consumption There’s a whirlwind of confusion within the Indian steel industry.  On the one hand, there is euphoria — demand for iron and steel continues to soar. And India knows that it, along with China,... The future of Asia lies with Russia, China and India and with Germany Inconvenient questions. Relevant answers | RN Bhaskar First Published: Wed, Mar 04 2009. 11 44 PM IST China—and not Pakistan—is a bigger threat to India simply because it does...