Saturday, July 27, 2024 Don't underestimate China's savvy when investing in India RN Bhaskar - 19 March, 2020 Note from the author: This article has two parts to it. This part looks at investments China has already made in India.  The second part will examine...
A modified version of this article can be found at Haier India soars higher and higher in India RN Bhaskar  - Nov 7, 2019 Also look up Last year (2018), Haier India achieved net sales of Rs.3,500 crore in India, making...
A modified version of this article appeared at Zhili has become the children’s garment centre of the world RN Bhaskar  00 4 December 2019 Today, Zhili town is he largest centre in China for making children’s garments. The town and its... Investments: The government dangles the promise of land for global investors; but they want more important issues settled first RN Bhaskar --  5 May 2020 The government appears to be in a rush to present a friendly face to foreign investors... What Chinese dam on Brahmaputra means to India Thursday, 27 November 2014 - 7:15am IST | Place: Mumbai | Agency: dna Two days ago, on Sunday, China operationalised its first major dam on the middle reaches of the Brahmaputra. The first... What India can learn about education from China - I Any way you look at it, there is a great sad irony underlining the approach of India and China to its own people and to the world. India waxes eloquent about... India's textile industry: where does it go from here? Rn bhaskar The textile industry is the backbone of India’s foray into the industry era.  It was this sector which actually defined India for a couple of centuries. And it still remains... Learn from China. Focus on schools; leave higher education alone The age of ironies has just begun. There was a time when India used to be a centre of learning and higher education.  Huen Tsang (known as Monk Xuan Zang in... Policy Watch India slips on education: The Times Higher Education World University rankings Rn bhaskar Last week, The Times Higher Education World brought out its university rankings for 2016-2017.  This is a list that all aspiring universities of the world watch, because it tells students which...  Dealing with China Author: Henry M. Paulson Jr. Publisher: Headline 406 pages Price: 389 The jacket on the book says it all: "Dealing with China takes the reader behind closed doors to witness the creation and evolution of China's state-controlled capitalism". It also provides...