Pandemics and mass extermination are dangers for India
This article is the first of a three-part series on slums, cities, and economic growth.
RN Bhaskar
The clock’s ticking has become more ominous than ever before. The silent cries of the dying,...
Human capital is what India ignores to its peril
RN Bhaskar
Quite often, it is what the government does not want to talk about that defines a nation than what the government trumpets. This is true about the Pegasus affair. About...
A troubled 30th anniversary of India's economic liberalisation
RN Bhaskar
Last week, the nation celebrated its 30th anniversary of economic liberalisation. The year 1991 was when India actually dared to break away from the shackles that had fettered its growth. That...
Hindi belt – II – When children are damned and humanity forgotten
What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name...
Hindi Belt -I – Uttar Pradesh is plagued by death and poor governance
RN Bhaskar (the second part of this series can be found at
"It is a state that does maximum number of vaccinations, , , , unprecedented ....
Surging GNPAs are symptoms of a deeper malaise in governance
By RN Bhaskar
The cabinet reshuffle is over. At the end it looked like another tamasha. A colossal waste of time, just when all energies were required to bring India back...
Policy watch
To ease economic distress, the country needs demand revival, not mere credit guarantees
RN Bhaskar
News is made when you do something great. But news is also made when you do something stupid, or something that looks like sensible action,...
When people stop buying gold in India, there is cause to worry
RN Bhaskar
At one level, this should be cause for celebration. Gold imports into India crashed during 2020 (see chart). Lower import of this yellow metal means a smaller...
(The entire series can be found at
Is it strike #3 for India’s position as an attractive market? Will Africa trounce India?
I deal in facts, not forecasting the future. That's crystal ball stuff. That doesn't work.
-- Peter...
Agenda V - India can be revived, but much needs to be done first
(The entire series can be found at
By RN Bhaskar
First, they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.