Saturday, July 27, 2024 Diamonds no longer anyone's best friend any more RN Bhaskar The last couple of months have witnessed a barrage of advertisements seeking to lure jewellery buyers to diamonds.  They talk about how natural diamonds are the safest items of jewellery, unique... Education – automatic promotions fudge data and corrode standards Last week, the legal department of the government of India finally agreed to modify the Right to Education (RTE) Act ( The RTE was successfully steered through Parliament in 2009.  Sadly,... Can the government’s balance sheet be improved through revaluing PSUs? — By RN Bhaskar | Jun 08, 2017 07:50 am   The government is caught between a rock and a hard place. It wants to create jobs through massive spending on infrastructure. But...
R N Bhaskar 3 August 2015 Talk to high net worth individuals (HNIs) and non-resident Indians (NRIs). They express tremendous anxiety over the provisions of the government’s new piece of legislation.  This spells trouble for all of us, even if we... Maharashtra's new, unfair and controversial, real estate tax laws RN Bhaskar In December 2021, the government of Maharashtra began sending non-agricultural tax (NA Tax) demand notices to residents in some parts of Mumbai. This was based on legislations that the state... Just three steps and the govt can clean up the gold market — By RN Bhaskar | Jul 20, 2017 07:04 am   The gold market in India is in a mess.  Smuggling continues big time.  Seizure of smuggled-in-gold barely accounts for 3%...
Bogus Aadhaar cards imperil both Census and elections RN Bhaskar Shri EAS Sarma has responded to this article by writing to the Election Commission.  You can find his letter at To appreciate this article better, it is important to take a... India's Medicate -- terrible state; forgotten objectives How does medicare fare in India?  The blunt answer is that nobody really knows.  There is very little data available.  Or at least, if the data is available with the government, little goes... A troubled 30th anniversary of India's economic liberalisation RN Bhaskar Last week, the nation celebrated its 30th anniversary of economic liberalisation.  The year 1991 was when India actually dared to break away from the shackles that had fettered its growth. That...
Loans will continue to rise if unemployment is not eased RN Bhaskar Last week India’s central bank, the RBI, revised and tightened norms for borrowings, raised risk weights for personal loans and credit cards.  That will make the cost of borrowing...