Cities haven't yet learnt how to deal with water and the environment
RN Bhaskar – 18 July, 2019
Crisis, it is believed, brings out the best – or the worst – in people. So it was when Mumbai experienced its predictable...
Judicial delays, import duties and corruption make business a high cost affair
RN Bhaskar – 11 July 2019
When Prime minister Modi won at the hustings with a thumping majority, there was a resurgence of hope. Maybe, Modi 2.0 would be...
India's blindness - for water and waste water
RN Bhaskar -- 4 July 2019
If one goes by news reports, it would appear that the government is trying to sort out the impending water crisis on a war footing. That is...
Curb snooping and draconian powers of the taxman
RN Bhaskar – 27 June, 2019
Last fortnight, the government -- in a move aimed at stanching corruption in the income tax department -- dismissed from service 12 senior income tax officers (
Water tankers make more money that the biggest alleged scamsters
RN Bhaskar -- 20 June 2019
When it comes to making money, Mumbai’s water tanker overlords could teach Messrs. Mallya, Modi and Choksi a thing or two. Water tankers make more...
The priority should be economic growth and jobs
RN Bhaskar -- 13 June 2019
The Indian economy is at the brink of extremely difficult times. At such times, a report from the CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) titled Investment Requirements in...
China-US spat threatens global trade
RN Bhaskar – June 6, 2019
In 2017, China trounced Canada to become the second largest trading partner with the US. US-China trade accounted for 635 billion against $582 billion for US-Canada trade.
But then Donald Trump...
Wealth generation and jobs are urgently needed
RN Bhaskar – May 30, 2019
The new government is in place, with a larger mandate than the previous one. Obviously, people expect it to fulfill their aspirations.
The trouble is that jobs and wealth...
Airlines become victims of the government’s meddling hand
RN Bhaskar May 23, 2019
By now, almost every industry analyst has begun to write-off Jet Airways. Jet had big dreams. It had benefitted from many favourable government policy decisions – right from...
Sins of commission and omission find reflection in the latest IIP figures
RN Bhaskar – 16 May 2019
For months the government has stonewalled criticisms about job creation and economic growth. But now there is a grudging admission that economic growth...