Saturday, July 27, 2024
Gems and Jewellery

Gems and Jewellery

News and analysis for Gem and Jewellery Industry Indian diamond industry in a tizzy -- Jatin Mehta files a $ 5 bn suit against De Beers, Stanchart and Kroll RN Bhaskar For most market watchers in India, Jatin Mehta is a renegade, an absconder from Indian law ( ,...
Sanjay Kothari and the transformation of the gems and jewellery trade in India Sanjay Kothari has been a diamond industry player (Kunal Diamonds) for five decades with forward integration into jewellery. He has been involved with GJEPC since 1996 in... A weak INR and growing CAD are a result of poor gold policies By RN Bhaskar The RBI in its recent report ( states “Gold imports at US$ 2.6 billion in June 2022 were almost half the level of US$ 6.0... Policy changes for gold urgently required RN Bhaskar  -- January 15, 2020 Successive governments in India have waffled on gold policies for long ( As a result, the entire gold trade was allowed to either go underground, or go to seed. The... Gold mining – part I Can India have better policies relating to gold mining RN Bhaskar -- 17 December 2020 Last week, media headlines screamed out information about the ‘theft’ of 100 kg of gold kept in the CBI vaults. An inhouse... When people stop buying gold in India, there is cause to worry RN Bhaskar At one level, this should be cause for celebration.  Gold imports into India crashed during 2020 (see chart).  Lower import of this yellow metal means a smaller... There could be a lot more gold being mined in India Indians’ insatiable passion for the yellow metal will ensure that prices don’t fall any time soon, incentive enough for more players to get into the game RN Bhaskar -- May... PR Somasundaram-WGC-Gold requires one regulatory body Tales around gold have always fascinated people. And as the price moves higher, or promises to climb, the fascination with gold grows stronger. Free Press Journal’s Jescilia Karayamparambil and RN Bhaskar spoke to World...
Making Surat Diamnd Bouse India’s diamond hub -- Mahesh Gadhavi The Surat Diamond Bourse, estimated to start operations this year, would be India's second diamond trading hub. Spread across 35 acres, it aims to provide state-of-the-art infrastructure to organizations engaged...
  Source: The government is shortsighted about gold loans RN Bhaskar -- Jan 15, 2018 09:04 PM IST What is interesting about this market is that even though it has been growing in terms of total value, its growth rates have been...