Wednesday, March 19, 2025 Gold smuggling- II: Cleaning up the gold trade is a national priority RN Bhaskar (Part I of this series can be found at Why should gold be a national priority? There are three reasons why gold assumes immense significance for the integrity... Gold smuggling - I Part II can be found at A beneficiary of flawed government policies. RN Bhaskar There’s an apocryphal story about a man blinded because he stole the gold that he saw lying unattended on the table in his master’s... Land lease and FPOs could benefit marginal farmers RN Bhaskar -- 15 October, 2020 Time and again, new numbers pop up, reconfirming an old truth – that India’s farmers are in distress.  Especially small farmers.  A set of figures that is... Were MSP rules relaxed to aid vote capture in the forthcoming Bihar elections? RN Bhaskar The three bills (now Acts) related to agriculture continue to raise a lot of dust.  This column dealt with the bills last week.  Yes, they are... A lot more needed to be done before tabling the agri bills RN Bhaskar -- 1 October 2020 The government finally made a move.  It has introduced some path-breaking bills for the improvement of agriculture and the lot of farmers in... Bank frauds could create more pain than people imagine RN Bhaskar – 24 September 2020 If you are a believer, or a bhakt, you should only read the reports of India’s policymakers. You will get a feeling that all is well. ...
Lectures by RN Bhaskar The rural Economy Future of Agriculture series -- Lectures Date Title  URL 16-07-2020 Why Agriculture matters for India| Future of Agriculture 23-07-2020 Milk is the real backbone of India's rural economy  30-07-2020 Animal Husbandry -Economics and Fallacies 06-08-2020 The emerging wealth generator in farming is vegetables and fruit 13-08-2020 Rural... India plunder – Part II: Tweaking rules to promote abet plunder through  profligacy and irresponsibility RN Bhaskar  - Sept 10, 2020 ================== The other parts of this series can be found at ========================== Except for brief periods, much of North Indian history has been one... National Education Policy: What about the teachers and the vision? RN Bhaskar -- 20 August, 2020 (This article appeared in two parts in the print ediiton -- on 20 and 27 August) Just glance through the main recommendations of the last... India must be forward looking, not defensive, as is evident frompost-Covid-19 spending-patterns RN Bhaskar – 13 August, 2020 After a country has been hit by a pandemic, how should people spend money?  Different cultures spend money differently.  There are countries where...