Saturday, July 27, 2024
Everybody in government likes to talk about solar power, but little more By RN Bhaskar The above image has been generated using Bing. On 24 January 2024, Prime minister Modi announced ( the Pradhan Mantri Suryodaya Yojana (loosely translated as the Prime...
Hallucinations of power and wealth – Budget 2024 By RN Bhaskar The Bing generated image above is about a person’s hallucinations of power and wealth. In a way, the underpinnings of the Interim Budget 2024 presented before Parliament on 1 February...
Ram mandir is a great idea, but what about the economy? “My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands...
Niti Aayog claims that poverty declined by 24.8 crore in nine years By RN Bhaskar The Bing generated image above shows all sorts of goodies being showered down on the people below.  It is an adaptation of the legendary Indian rope...
A water policy is crucial for India’s survival RN Bhaskar The Bing generated image above could be prophetic.  India – and the world – could soon be in desperate search of water.  India will feel the pain much more than the...
Is India heading towards a sugar and oil import crisis? By RN Bhaskar The Bing-generated image above depicts locusts ravaging a sugarcane plantation,  Mercifully, that has not happened in India so far.  Instead you have proverbial locusts, which see agriculture as...

How will 2024 be for India and its economy? By RN Bhaskar Prognosis is judgement about how something is likely to develop in the future.  It is based on symptoms that are visible today, and which may lead to consequences, unless...
Can India deal with China the way Vietnam has done?  By RN Bhaskar India appears to be spooked by China.  Its actions do not appear rational. To understand this, just look at what Vietnam has done.  The world is waking up...
Global growth requires much more than GDP and population By RN Bhaskar On 9 December, 2023, a senior minister of the Indian government spoke at an industry forum.  He exhorted industrialists in the audience to collaborate further with the Government to...
Baulking away from the Census, Household spending and PISA surveys - is something amiss? RN Bhaskar The metaphor that could best describe India is an empty classroom in a not too swanky school. This is the image which comes to mind...