Sunday, March 16, 2025 Great news about infrastructure spending RN Bhaskar -- 13 December 2018 One of the major achievements of the BJP led NDA government is the huge step forward it has made in respect of central sector infrastructure projects. CARE Ratings recently brought... India could do with a lot more of global private investment RN Bhaskar December 6, 2018 India, like the rest of the world, has begun witnessing the growing role of private equity and investment players in this country. On the one...   The Indian economy’s options are shrinking, but they’re still there RN Bhaskar -- 29 November, 2018 The next six months will probably be focused on elections.  Planners may not have either the political support or the willingness to deal with serious... Can remittances surpass their 2014 levels? RN Bhaskar November 22, 2018 Four years ago, when oil prices were slipping, there were worries that remittances from foreign workers into India would decline.  The reduction in oil revenues had made many countries in... Mumbai roots for expensive underground parking RN Bhaskar November 15, 2018 Last week media reports talked about the new plans proposed by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) to build an underground parking lot at Raosaheb Patwardhan Garden, Linking Road,... Maharashta promotes water scarcity and abets farm suicides RN Bhaskar November 8, 2018 Last week, media headlines screamed out news that nearly 71% of the state of Maharashtra had registered a drop of more than a metre of groundwater... Debt and economic growth RN Bhaskar November 1, 2018 Talk of debt is in the air.  Everybody is talking about it.  In fact there is a CARE Ratings study which looks at state and central government debt (Debt Profile of Centre... Indian shipping faces disadvantages in India, but not overseas RN Bhaskar October 25, 2018 Indian shipping is at a crossroads. On the one hand, it would like to be part of the government vision of Make-In-India. On the other hand, the... India's privately held gold can be used to reduce the country's CAD — By RN Bhaskar | Oct 18, 2018 The increase in oil prices and the surge in other imports are threatening to worsen India current account deficit.  According to the RBI’s... Gold import duties begin to attract attention — By RN Bhaskar | Oct 11, 2018 Last fortnight, the government of India released a list of 19 items where import duties had been raised. What was interesting was that despite a clamour from the trade...