Wednesday, September 11, 2024


News and Analysis of BRICS nations other than India - Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa Don't underestimate China's savvy when investing in India RN Bhaskar - 19 March, 2020 Note from the author: This article has two parts to it. This part looks at investments China has already made in India.  The second part will examine... SBERBANK: Russia's biggest bank consolidates its position in India — By RN Bhaskar | Apr 13, 2017 12:33 pm Established in 1841, and having evolved into one of the most modern and formidable banks in the world today, SBERBANK boasts of 16,342 branches...
A modified version of this article can be found at Haier India soars higher and higher in India RN Bhaskar  - Nov 7, 2019 Also look up Last year (2018), Haier India achieved net sales of Rs.3,500 crore in India, making...
A modified version of this article appeared at Zhili has become the children’s garment centre of the world RN Bhaskar  00 4 December 2019 Today, Zhili town is he largest centre in China for making children’s garments. The town and its... Investments: The government dangles the promise of land for global investors; but they want more important issues settled first RN Bhaskar --  5 May 2020 The government appears to be in a rush to present a friendly face to foreign investors... What Chinese dam on Brahmaputra means to India Thursday, 27 November 2014 - 7:15am IST | Place: Mumbai | Agency: dna Two days ago, on Sunday, China operationalised its first major dam on the middle reaches of the Brahmaputra. The first... What India can learn about education from China - I Any way you look at it, there is a great sad irony underlining the approach of India and China to its own people and to the world. India waxes eloquent about... India-Russia: Friends for 70 Years — By RN Bhaskar | Apr 13, 2017 12:05 pm Soviet Ambassador Kirill Novikov arriving in New Delhi 1947 to establish formal diplomatic relations with India It was in Goa, India, that Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and India’s Prime... India's textile industry: where does it go from here? Rn bhaskar The textile industry is the backbone of India’s foray into the industry era.  It was this sector which actually defined India for a couple of centuries. And it still remains... Learn from China. Focus on schools; leave higher education alone The age of ironies has just begun. There was a time when India used to be a centre of learning and higher education.  Huen Tsang (known as Monk Xuan Zang in...