Saturday, July 27, 2024
- MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Jul 3-9, 2021 Only after a course correction
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Jun 26- Jul 3, 2021 Yes, but after a lot of hard work Is India on track to become a $ 5 trillion economy, and how good intact is the India story? India hit a $ 3 trillion...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Jun 20-25, 2021 The sad consequence arising from avoiding the real issues ­­The phrase ‘wake up and smell the coffee’ means to become aware of the realities of the situation. Sadly, for the US and the world,...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Jun 13 -19, 2021 Look forward to the benefits, but keep an eye on the dangers ­­Source: We are at a cusp! The world is dealing with far too many issues simultaneously. One is the Covid pandemic, ...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj Jun 6-12, 2021 Will the Fed raise interest rates? ­­In 2013 Fed Chair, Ben Bernanke stated that the Fed would, at some time, put a brake on its Quantitative Easing (QE) programme, under which it pumped money...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj May 30- Jun 5, 2021 India must get its act together to prepare for the future ­­A 1966 film ‘The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming’ then expressed fears of a Russian invasion. Today the film may...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj May 23-29, 2021 Two scenarios being played out ­­Source: Stock markets are having a tremendous bull run. Despite the Covid pandemic which has ravaged economies by virtue of lock downs, they are at all time highs thanks mainly...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj May 16-22, 2021 And the risk to stock markets of rising interest rates ­­As the Greek  poet, Hesoid, wrote, when Prometheus stole fire from heaven, Zeus, the king of Gods, took revenge by presenting Pandora to his brother,...
MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj May 9-15, 2021 And geopolitical risks abound because of it ­­The world experienced a long period of prosperity thanks to ‘The World is Flat’ era of globalisation. Countries and companies extended their supply bases globally, to wherever it...

MARKET PERSPECTIVE By J Mulraj May 2-8, 2021 A worrying disregard for free markets Ayn Rand’s book “Atlas Shrugged”, published in 1957, is about depicts a dystopian United States in which private businesses suffer under increasingly burdensome laws and regulations. Five decades later,...