The mismanagement of power in India
RN Bhaskar – 02 January, 2020
The sins of the past are finally catching up with the power sector. The energy situation has worsened, and could get worse, as policymakers hurtle from one blunder to...
Will the government allow bullion banking in India?
RN Bhaskar -- 26 December 2019
India has been myopic about so many things. One of them, tragically, is gold. It has forgotten to exploit its own mines, It gave out licences to...
The economy is suffering a lot more than is being admitted
Economy: Recession or not, the pain is for real
RN Bhaskar – 5 December, 2019
Last week, the finance minister tried to explain why there might be a slowdown, but there...
Signs of gloom worry economy watchers in India
RN Bhaskar – 28 November 2019
The government refuses to admit this. But all the reports compiled by experts appear to suggest that the economic gloom could get darker in the coming months. ...
China prepares itself for the future
RN Bhaskar -- 21 November 2019
In some ways, China has suddenly woken up to the need to let the world know how big its plans really are. Hitherto it let is performance do the...
Gold reforms are being delayed. Why?
RN Bhaskar -- 14 November, 2019
Last week, on Nov 5, 2019, this publication, in association with BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) held a conference on The increasing allure of gold.
As discussions continued, each panellist spoke...
India's problem with governance
RN Bhaskar – 07 November, 2019
In July 2019, the government passed the The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2019. It also pointed to the rule book and to the penalties that could be levied in case corporate governance...
The decimation of the Indian telecom sector?
RN Bhaskar -- October 31, 2019
Do policymakers in India secretly harbor a death-wish? The question was uppermost in the minds of most people immediately after the Supreme Court’s ruling last week ( that...
India-China trade could get a boost after the Modi-Xi meet
RN Bhaskar – 24 October, 2019
A bit of mystery surrounds the Modi-Xi talks in Mahabalipuram. Yes they got over on a very amicable note. Yes, both sides said that the...
The twists and turns on RCEP and milk
RN Bhaskar – 17 October, 2019
There’s an ill-wind blowing through the corridors of the ministry of commerce lately. The first indications of the nature of troubled winds were evident three months ago...